Prizes and awards of the last months

We are pleased to share important news that reflects the commitment and dedication of Cavaliere del Lavoro Piernicola Leone de Castris, who was among the protagonists of the prestigious ceremony held on Wednesday, October 18th at 11:00 AM at the Quirinale, in the presence of the President of the Republic, for the designation made on May 31, 2023. The ceremony was a tribute to women and men who have contributed with tenacity, vision, and entrepreneurship to the growth of the country. This recognition is the result of a successful career and tireless passion for entrepreneurial excellence.
“As Cavalieri del Lavoro, we feel a strong sense of responsibility and act to enhance our country’s ‘social capital’ by pursuing, first and foremost, good work. Good work means valuing merit through opportunities for professional growth, adequate remuneration, active involvement in company life, and worker safety.” – Maurizio Sella, President of the National Federation of Cavalieri del Lavoro
The designation as a Cavaliere del Lavoro is one of the highest honours granted in Italy, reserved for those who have distinguished themselves in various sectors of industry for their significant contribution to society, economic growth, and innovation. Cavaliere Piernicola Leone de Castris is an exemplar of leadership, vision, and dedication to economic and social progress.
“I dedicate this appointment to all the collaborators of our companies who, with dedication, have contributed to the growth and prestige of the entities we represent. And to my father, in the twentieth year of his passing. He was appointed a Cavaliere del Lavoro in 1979.” – Piernicola Leone de Castris
This appointment is a source of great pride for the Winery.
“The positive experiences we celebrate today—yours—encourage us to have confidence in the future of Italy.” – Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic
For further details about the ceremony and information, we invite you to visit www.cavalieridellavoro.it
We thank you for your continued support and for sharing the joy of this exceptional occasion with us.